Water Quality Information About 1,4-Dioxane

Here’s what’s important to know-
Sanford's drinking water is safe to drink, based on state and federal guidelines.

The safety and security of our customers is our top priority, and the City of Sanford (City) is committed to providing safe drinking water to our customers. Recent media coverage has highlighted an ongoing issue regarding a contaminant in water samples – the same issue we have previously informed the public about. We remain committed to transparency – keeping our public fully informed.

October 21, 2024, update on 1,4 Dioxane

The City of Sanford has taken the next step to insure the future safety of our drinking water by filing suit against General Dynamics Corporation, Siemens, Corporation, and Moni Holdings LLC as the potentially responsible parties for the 1,4 dioxane contamination of the City’s water supply. The citizens and customers of Sanford’s utility system are entitled to pure drinking water, and this is made clear in the City’s complaint. The City has consistently said that we should hold those responsible for the contamination accountable for the costs of cleanup and treatment and this action attempts to do that.
On August 26, 2024, the City Commission authorized litigation against the three parties and engaged DSK Law with former State Senator David Simmons as the lead attorney. Timing of the litigation was determined in part by the most recent data collected by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection which supports the City’s position that the parties’ former industrial facility on Rinehart Road is the source of the contamination.

On October 14, 2024, Sen. Simmons updated the City Commission on the eight-count complaint that DSK Law had prepared. Seven counts of the complaint were filed in the 18th Judicial Circuit Court in Seminole County on October 17. The City continues to work closely with the FDEP and the eighth count of the complaint requires notice to the FDEP. FDEP will have the option to take over litigation of the eighth count, join the City in the litigation, or allow the City to continue on its own.

The lawsuit seeks cleanup of the ground water, funding for treatment to remove contamination from drinking water, funding for future operations of the enhanced treatment system, and reimbursement for legal and other expenses related to the contamination. As the City works through the litigation, it also continues to work with FDEP for Federal funding of the improvements needed to remove the contamination. If there is a recovery from the lawsuit, a portion could repay any grants received through FDEP.

September 26, 2024, update on 1,4 Dioxane

As part of the City of Sanford’s continuing effort to supply safe and high-quality water to Sanford’s citizens and customers, the City contracted with Carollo Engineers in January of 2024 to develop a water facilities plan and a preliminary design report (30 % design) as the next step toward the City receiving funding from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for water treatment system upgrades. The FDEP had committed to provide Sanford with adequate funding to address the 1,4 dioxane contamination issue and reserved funding for the City. One of the requirements for final approval of the funding is the approval of the preliminary design report that is scheduled to be submitted to FDEP at the end of October.

 Last Week the Mayor and City Manager along with utilities staff members, the finance director, and our attorneys met virtually with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to get clarity on the next steps to secure funding. They offered the funding over a year ago, but we still have to meet state and federal requirements. We received clear guidance on what we need to do and, based on work our staff has already been doing on planning and design, we should have the next $18 million in funding fully committed by the end of the year. They have already funded $6 million, and the federal government is expected to release $25 million in FY 25 -26 funding by the end of August of next year. If our proposed litigation with those responsible for the contamination is successful, all of this money could be paid back to be used in other projects elsewhere in the state. 

Previous City Commission approves new Utility Miscellaneous fees

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.